Slumbering Tails

Dvala Antique Tomes
The name appears to have been scratched off of the sign and replaced with metal letters and a symbol of a coiled, napping dragon.
Slumbering Tails!A humble wooden chocobo carriage with a airship-like mast sits at rest, its shuttered sides drawn open to reveal shelves lined with books of all sizes and colors. The back side has its doors drawn open to allow customers to step into it's dim recessed, lit only with tiny crystal lamps. A pair of powerful red draught Chocobos sit with reins tied to one side, giving curious looks at passers by.
If one approaches, they would begin to make out many scraps of parchment and wooden boards posted up, advertising a number of book-related services...
(A/N: THIS CARRD IS STILL A HUGE WIP! A lot of my pages are still mostly empty, so feel free to disregard them or offer suggestions for books to add!)

The cart has two long sides with open shutters on each. And the back entrance leads within the carriage, where even more items of interest can be discovered...Signs on the rear of the carriage seem to indicate different kinds of books are displayed on each side.
To the right (starboard): Non-fiction, Treatises, Textbooks and other works of serious import.
To the left (port): Fiction and other novelties
Within: Antiques, Relics, Custom Grimoires and other crafted goods
It would seem you're free to peruse the texts at your leisure...

Several notices seem to be posted alongside the three shelves on this side of the cart•Top Shelf: Encyclopedias, Biographies, Memoirs, News Papers and Journalist Items - Please inquire about individual price
•Middle Shelf: Non-fiction Treatises, Historias and Academic Texts - Please inquire about individual price
•Bottom Shelf: Textbooks, Reference materials, Cookbooks, Foreign Language non-fiction - Please inquire about individual prices
On the shelves beside the signs, several books are pulled out slightly to seen at a glance. Some of them have small leaflets sticking out of their covers containing short summaries of the contents

  • ?????

  • ?????

  • ?????

  • Trees of Twilight (A heavy set book bound in deepforest green stained leather and bronze leafed engravings. If opened: A small leaflet reads: "A historia detailing our modern knowledge of the history of the Black Shroud and the way it has changed over time in response to the fluctuations of the Elemental's power")

  • Pirates & Wolves (A cleancut mahogany tome with the title in red letters. If opened a leaflet reads: "A historia of Limsa Lominsa's seafaring past and pirate heritage, interspersed with interviews detailing histories of individual pirate crews that still survive today as modern privateers and naval powers.")

  • Of Flame and Fruit (A stately brown binding in deep blue engravings. If opened a leaflet reads: "Our knowledge of the history of Ul'dah, it's sister city Sil'dih, and their predecessor Belah'dia and their evolving philosophies as the nations rose from the ashes of the Fifth Umbral Era into one of the greatest centers of trade in the western world.")

  • ?????

  • ?????

  • ?????

*Below the shelves

Several notices seem to be posted alongside the three shelves on this side of the cart•Top Shelf: Classical Fiction
•Middle Shelf: Modern Fiction - Please inquire about individual prices, trades accepted
A paper is pinned up beside the shelf on the inside of the opened door reading: "PLEASE STOP INQUIRING ABOUT EROTICA. I DO NOT CARRY THESE TEXTS AT PUBLIC EVENTS"
•Bottom Shelf: , Children's books, Mythology and Folklore Compilations - Please inquire about individual prices, trades accepted, mythology books may be traded for a retelling/dictation of personal tales
On the shelves beside the signs, several books are pulled out slightly to seen at a glance. Some of them have small leaflets sticking out of their covers containing short summaries of the contents

  • Journey to the East (The binding is old and peeling sun-touched brown, lovingly used. It appears to be a very old epic fantasy tale about auspices of eras past.)

  • ?????

  • (Blank Grimoire) (Bound in black stained leather and artfully tooled designs. It lacks any leafing or inks in it's composition, awaiting a proper master to customize it)

  • To Love a Street Mouse (A low quality, simple parchment bound book denoting something akin to pulp fiction. It appears to be a trashy romance novel featuring a noble lalafellin heir and a scrappy lalafellin cutpurse who meet on the streets of Ul'dah and must fight against the heir's arranged marriage and crummy parents to be together. Looks pretty gay)

  • Silverlove (A small leather bound book stained a metallic grey with black lettering. The contents are mysterious and the POV seems to jump around on the first few pages before settling on the perspective of a mistreated duskwight woman arriving at Ishgard for the first time)

  • Of Aged Dusks (In dark red leather binding, it seems to be a whimsical memoir-style story seemingly told from the perspective of a romantic wandering warrior from the far east)

  • Rabbits & Dreams (A small children's book with a hard wooden cover and thick pages. It's binding is painted with whimsical depictions of abstract bunnies bounding across a nightscape with the moon and stars above them)

  • The Little River Boy (A small parchment bound book with a painting of a hyuran boy wading through a creek while pulling along a small raft upon which a pile of cattails and a dozing moogle sits)

  • The Boy and the Dragon Gay (A simple black bound book with silver leaf lettering. Inside is a leaflet reading: "A classical folktale discovered in an abandoned library in Dravania, now restored and distributed by a dear friend- the rest of the note has lines dashed through them followed by a note messily scrawled in black ink at the bottom margins - I MADE SOME CORRECTIONS TO THE TEXT! DON'T TELL REYN! there are some dots and a curved line afterward that look a little like a winking smiley face if you have an active imagination)

On the inside on the doors of the wagon lie numerous pinned parchments detailing additional services•Tome restoration available
•Text interpretation and translation in several languages available, dictation as an additional service available
•Transcription available
•Custom Grimoire Crafting available
- All of these services are on a case-by-case commission price

Trade Policy:
Books or items accepted in trade must be considered equal in value age or information content.

•If you are writing or publishing your own texts, feel free to inquire with me about distributing your books. I've a network of booktrading partners always in need of new material.

Anthropolgical and regional information can be traded and donated for free. Please inquire with me, Reyn Dvala. If someone else is running my cart they likely cannot provide this service. I have red hair. If someone with black hair is claiming to be me, do not believe him. He's trying to mess with you.

Other commissions:
•Some leatherworking requests accepted
•Requests for individual book materials for personal projects are accepted based upon availability
•Please inquire for arrangements when tips/Lessons on tome crafting or restoration are desired

•Will take commissions for gemstone and/or mineral acquisition for Arcanima inks or carbuncle cores may be taken based on availability.
This is not a jewelry crafting service. Only raw or polished/cut stones available for gemstones. Occassionally custom shapes can be requested (e.g. blades or carved shapes).
If jewelry is what you want I'll put you in contact with my goldsmith business partner instead.

•If you need a piercing, I can do this free of charge. I don't know why people keep asking about this. I may as well post it as a service. I won't do it in public venues however, please ask to schedule an appointment. I only provide basic studs. If you want custom jewelry for it please provide your own pieces or ask to book with the goldsmith from the above post instead.

•Tarot readings available for a flat rate. 50gil for a simple spread, 100 for a custom or complex one. I do not use the Sharlayan or Ishgardian decks. It is a custom tribal deck passed down from a mentor's people from southern Eorzea. If you want a reading from one of the earlier kinds: please seek out an Ishgardian or Sharlayan expert. I am not one of those.

If you're looking for a caravan escort/additional numbers for travel, I can put you in touch with some companions from my mercenary days, or I can travel with your group if I'm headed the same direction. I no longer hire out for jobs like this on request, it's simply an option of convenience.
If you want to gather materials one might otherwise commission from me yourself, you're welcome to join me on my trips to collect materials and I will teach you how to collect and polish/cut/process them yourself if you desire. Or try to anyroad. I'm not liable for your lack of skill if you mess up your own materials.

A scrawny redheaded Viera of unknown age, Reyn Dvala is a grumpy, blunt man incredibly devoted to his pursuit of knowledge and skill. But at heart, he is fundamentally kindhearted.
He might verbally berate you for it, but he'd never turn you down if you truly needed help.
As a vendor people might be a little put off by his flat, slightly abrasive demeanor, but they would soon find he has a sixth sense for finding the right thing for the right person.
Approach at your own peril, just don't offer him food or drinks and you should be fine.
He can be distinguished from others by his numerous piercings, overly curly hair, scars on his jaw and brow, and unusually short height for a Viera (usually mitigated by the presence of 4ilm heels on his feet).

•Crymm & Azhza
As a long time breeder of red Chocobos, Reyn's resident Red Draught Chocobos mares are responsible for pulling the Slumbering Tails carriage almost anywhere it goes.
Crymm is an old retired war veteran, her beak heavily scarred. She is extremely friendly and gentle with anyone who comes within range of her post and will accept pets and nuzzles happily.
Her daughter Azhza just likes snacks and will spend her time grazing upon everything edible in range. Including the books - or so it used to be, before Reyn viscously trained her out of that. Now he tends to settle the cart near edible greenery whenever possible, but if he cannot do so you might be in for a fight on your hands if you have any food on you.

Reyn's oldest of stock Red Chocobos, Erys is as much a grizzled mercenary as he is, and can often be found silently keeping pace with the carriage untethered and unridden. She is his primary mount but has come to be a viscous warrior in her own right, and tends to be stoic, still, and apathetic when non-threatening entities approach her.
When the cart is settled and Reyn doesn't have her stabled, she will usually patrol the settlement's perimeter on her own.

•Absolon Descartes
Absolute giant of a half-Viera, half-Elezen dark knight. Do not approach if seen. He's a menace to society.
As something akin to a foster brother to Reyn, Absolon makes it his business to mess with his kid sibling. And if that means occassionally stealing Reyn's cart, letting other Merc buddies of their steal it, or making "corrections" to various texts, then he's all for it. If you see him smirk he's either doing something possibly illegal, or about to make a lewd joke.

Online I typically go by Rey (He/They) and I'm an older FFXIV player/RPer trying to get back into the swing o' things.
Feel free to hmu via discord if you have any questions or possible RP tingles :'3
You can reach me at CrimsonReyn#0432 or just send a tell if you ever see a Reyn Dvala@Mateus online or standing around.
FYI The old bookseller's cart is a neat thing I've seen a few times, but if you have a hard time envisioning it, the modern version of it usually looks like this!:

Ofc Reyn's is much more robust, since he has a pair of draught Chocobos pulling it.